When not fiddling with bits of string, which is more often than not nowadays, Another of my passions is cycling.
I build, ride and occasionally race a variety of weird and wonderful machines, including Recumbent bikes and trikes, Penny Farthings, Upright Trikes and so on, if its got pedals I'll ride it! and though not related to knot tying; I find the interlaced patterns of the spokes whilst building the wheels to be very knot like.
I build, ride and occasionally race a variety of weird and wonderful machines, including Recumbent bikes and trikes, Penny Farthings, Upright Trikes and so on, if its got pedals I'll ride it! and though not related to knot tying; I find the interlaced patterns of the spokes whilst building the wheels to be very knot like.
Riding through the Netherlands with Arie Liefhebber.
Photo: Annemiek.
Me on the front cover of the Laidback Cyclist, the magazine of the British Human Power Club (BHPC)
Photo: Jonathan W
My Cuckoo Raaa (pronounced Cuckoo Ray) Originally built by the late Dave Tigwell, and then completely rebuilt, shortened and restyled by myself
I am an avid Kite flyer and occasional kite builder, I have always had an interest in kites, since my first memories of flying a Peter Powell stunt kite my Dad bought in the 1970's , though I have not always been an active participant.
In the past few years I have become more excited about kite flying again, and now enjoy flying all sorts of kites, from paper fighter kites to giant inflatable show kites.
I also enjoy taking the occasional photos from cameras suspended from my kite line, known as KAP (Kite Arial Photography)
When I get the chance I also like to go to Kite Festivals to display my kites and make lots of new friends!
I am fascinated about anything to do with knots, whether it be tying a shoe lace, tying into a harness and climbing an ice fall; or hand braiding a new hammock to sleep in after a hard days work or play, I never tire of learning new knots or discovering new uses and ways of tying them.
Though I have spent a fair portion of my life climbing and walking in many parts of the world; where the tying of knots can literally mean the difference between life and death, it is the practical and decorative uses of knots outside of climbing that really interest me.
Above: Photo taken at the New Bedford Whaling Museum, Massachusetts in 2009,
I like to build or modify my own LDP (Long Distance Pumping) skate boards.With practice very long distances can be covered without the need to touch the ground and push the board with your feet.
It's just like surfing a perpetual Paved Wave
Above: Putting my Carbon Fiber "Siva" through its paces along the River Ruhr in Germany. Photo by Victoria.
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